RIP Cricket World Cup

March 19, 2015, a dark day for millions of cricket fan all over the world. A game broke heart of millions of cricket fan. Yes, I am talking about India vs Bangladesh world cup quarterfinal match, where the whole world saw very controversial umpiring in a very important game. These might be some mistake, but when there is business and so much money involve with one team and they are playing against a lower ranked raising team that has very little influence on the world cricket, people must doubt about the fairness of the umpiring.

India companies are spending over Rs 700 cores ($112,089,740) for this world cup. Also, they are one of the major sources of revenue for ICC (International Cricket Council). They are so powerful that even their cricket board (BCCI) discusses with ICC to restructure in sharing of ICC revenue. Now, think about a country that contribute so much revenue for ICC and big businesses involved with a sport, what would happen if they lost against a low ranked team and get knocked out of the world cup? There is a question in millions of people’s mind that if there is any other factors that is bringing the result of the game against low ranked for the favor one billion people of one nation and their businesses.

Nowadays, there is so much technology used in cricket. Umpires consider watching replays from so many different angles before making decision. If someone sees the umpiring on 19th March game (India vs Bangladesh), it is clear that umpires looked from few angles (may be couple angles) and made decision, and all the decision went to India’s favor. And the no ball call when India was batting was so late that it seems like umpires were checking if there was player to take catch before calling the no ball. Everyone said that was not a no ball. Even former Indian cricketers and cricket experts like Ajit Agarkar and Luxman said immediately after the game that that was not a no ball and the decision was very poor. I think this incident needs to be investigated and to take strict action in order for ICC to gain trust of everyone in the world and to save the cricket. And if we fail to do that, then we should give the World Cup trophy to India without playing against them and tell them to keep it for rest of their life.

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